Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wonder Woman Cookies

Happy International Women's Day! Today is a day to celebrate all the achievements (big or small) made by all the women from every nook and cranny of the universe. And what a better tribute than cookies...of WONDER WOMAN?!? I felt like Wonder Woman this morning when I had to help my mom push her van out of a snow pile that she backed up into. I was the only one home at the time and she was driving out of the driveway to work. I have no idea how she ended up in the snow pile on the sides of our driveway. But I felt so awesome pushing the van out by myself while she was in the drivers seat. Hurrah for me haha!
So, I've had a piece of shortbread dough in my fridge for a week now and I was dying to make something and get creative. I used the cut-out method- individually cutting out the cookie shapes and attaching other parts to it (hair, colored areas, etc.). I then drew on her features and details with colored icing, although I'm not great at drawing faces. There were a few cookies that looked like men, but oh well lol. Total labor time was maybe around 4 hours minimum.

My Reference

First cut-outs with ref. pic as tracer

Addition of hair cut outs
Completed cookies before baking and detailing

One of the cookies that actually looked good lol